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 Our Elders group at Newman is made up of people who are in their '60's and older. It provides monthly gatherings (on the second Wednesday of each month) for people to share a pot-luck lunch and discuss a topic relevant to the group. The program generally includes time for prayer together, some presentation of information of interest, introductions that help people get to know one another, and time for sharing concerns, needs, and helpful approaches to problems. The group has done activities outside Newman: for example attending concerts, touring exhibitions, and hearing presentations about programs offered by agencies in the local area. Elders welcomes any Newman member who qualifies in terms of age and commitment to the faith and community efforts we celebrate at the Newman Center.

To get on our mailing list or for more information contact Fr. Ivan.

Other Resources

How To Prevent a Dangerous Fall

Key to Healthy Aging - Friendship

Lessons from People Who Hate Retirement

Secrets to a Happier Retirement

Nursing Homes in California - Resource guide to nursing home care in California

Emergency Housing Resource