Ongoing programs and Events at Newman


  • The 2024-25 Student Ministry Team (SMT) plans a variety of activities throughout the school year. Visit their slack chanel for information about what’s happening when.

  • Check out some photos from our 2023-24 activities here.



  • Berkeley Catholic Worker (Sun, 7:30am) - Help serve food to the homeless. Contact JC Orton at 510-684-1892.

  • Newman Grads: Sunday Social (Sun, 11am) - Graduate students and young adults, meet after Mass in front of the church for casual conversation over coffee or brunch or sports.


  • OCIA (Wed., 7:00pm) - Come learn more about the Catholic Faith or seek to become a Catholic.
    Next Class, Wed. Nov. 13th: Topic: Jesus’ Preaching on the Kingdom: Healing & Forgiving. What is the Kingdom? What does ‘salvation’ mean? How do I forgive when it’s so painful? What is forgiveness? last. things: Purgatory, Heaven, Hell.


  • Newman Grads Men’s and Women’s Groups (7-8:30pm)

Activities & Events for everyone


  • Berkeley Catholic Worker (7:30am, Sunday) - Come help Berkeley Catholic Worker serve breakfast to the homeless. Just show up or contact JC for more info. Also help serve dinner to the homeless on holidays at 4pm in the Newman Parking Lot.

  • Birthday Ministry - Each 2nd Sunday of the week, we honor birthdays for the given month by recognizing them in the congregation and having a blessed prayed over them.

  • Prayer Ministry - Write your prayers in our virtual prayer book.


  • Food Not Bombs (all day) - Help Food Not Bombs prepare a vegetarian meal for the folks at various homeless encampments in Berkeley For more info, contact Zan.

  • Berkley Catholic Worker (Holidays (often on Mondays), 4pm) - Come help Berkeley Catholics Worker serve meals to the needy on our parking lot during holidays, when there is very few other groups serving meals.


  • Newman Elders (1pm, 2nd Wed of the month) -1 pm in the gallery. Bring your lunch and something to share..

  • Catholicism WOW! (7pm, Wed) - Gathers weekly using Google Meets to explore the wonders of Catholicism.

  • Exploring Catholicism and OCIA 7pm -8:30pm, Wednesdays, resuming in January 2025. Join Fr. Xavier and parishioners to learn about our faith, ways of approaching scripture, and various types of prayer.


  • Emmaus (7pm, Thur) - This Scripture sharing group that discusses the upcoming Sunday readings is now meeting online using ZOOM. Please contact Elizabeth to join the meeting.

  • Centering Prayer/Lectio Divina (10am, Thur) Spend and hour in contemplative silence and listening for God. Centering prayer is a siple contemplative form of prayer where one empties their mind of thoughts and silently rests in the presence of God. Lectio Divina is a prayer form of listening to hte word of God in Scripture. Meet in the Patio Room on the 2nd floor.


  • Hiking the East Bay Trails (2:45pm) Contact Bob to get on the email list

  • Chinese Bible Study (2nd & 4th Friday) - This Bible Study is held in Mandarin and is currently using ZOOM. For more info, contact Lulu.


  • Women in Conversation (9:00am, Usually on the 2nd Saturday every other month. Next meeting, January 18th ) - Join women of the parish various theological themes. Contact Susan Grant or Jean Molesky-Poz for more information.

  • Loaves & Fishes (2pm-4pm, 1st Saturday of the month) - continue to serve take-out meals to the homeless. Contact Joseph to explore how you can help.

On your own schedule…..

Adopt-A-Student - This ministry connects permanent and student parishioners in relationships of support, mentoring, and/or common interests. Getting together periodically on a schedule that suits them for conversation, meals, or outings participants in this popular ministry often make long-term, cross-generational friendshipsRead the description above. You can contact Alfreda for more information or just sign up here to participate: Adopt-a-Student sign up

Outside Events and News of Interest

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