Due to Covid-19, many of our parishioners missed our parish’s campaign to support the diocese through the Bishop’s Appeal. When you have a chance, please watch this video to familiarize yourself with many of the wonderful things our diocese does to help share the love of God with the folks of the East Bay. And then please pray and support our amazing diocese as best you can. We do have an amazing diocese of such incredible diversity of cultures and peoples. We also have a diocese where many have great needs and limited resources. By pooling our resources together, we as the body of Christ can make amazing things happen, giving glory to our God.

Click here to make your contribution. For “Parish”, make sure to select “Holy Spirit-Newman Hall, Berkeley.

If you’ve never given before, please open your heart and start the process of sharing. It does not matter how small. A great adventure need only start with a small step. If VENMO is more convenient, please give to @Newman-Hall and in the memo, write “Bishop’s Appeal.”

Thanks for your generosity to the people of Oakland through our diocese.