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Francesca Healy, longtime Newman parishioner (10:00 a.m. Mass) recently moved to Seattle.  Francesca’s health has been declining, and she and her son Ted, who lives in Seattle, decided that for both care and closeness, she would move to a skilled nursing facility there.

 Francesca moved from Southern California in 1958 to attend SF State, where she received a BA in Child Development.  She returned to the southland, and finally to the Bay Area in 1970.  She started at Newman in 1975, where she met her late husband Dan at a Halloween party in 1978, where they married in 1979 (Fr. Jack McConnell), and where Ted was baptized in 1980 (Fr. George Fitzgerald).

 During her long tenure at Newman, Francesca was active in the 10:00 and Family Mass choirs, served as Eucharistic minister, and as host, server, and entertainer (piano) at Loaves & Fishes dinners.  When time & energy allowed, she helped with coffee & donuts setup, and participated in both Women in Conversation and Newman Elders.  Away from Newman she was active at the North Berkeley Senior Center, and was a founding member of the Berkeley Community Chorus & Orchestra, where she sang through the fall 2019 season.

 Before her departure, there was a small gathering of close friends, where she played piano and received a special blessing to send her on her way.  If you would like to be in touch with her, please contact Deborah Tatto.

Arrivederci, Francesca!

— Deborah Tatto