Parish Core Values - Town Hall Meeting Report

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We had a wonderful Town Hall Meeting in February on our Parish Core Values and I had meant to give a timely report back to the parish. However working in committee is slow and with Lent and Easter taking front and center, everything was left in my ToDo list until now.

Thank you everyone who participated. It was a wonderful gathering of the community to share how we live out these values and to explore areas of further growth.

Just a reminder, here are the values identified by the Parish Council and amended through parishioner feedback:

For each area, we identified the following particular values:

  1. Christ-based Community: welcoming / inclusive / joyful / alive / participatory / safe / centered on Christ & the Catholic Church

  2. Growing in Faith: experiencing God's love / prayer / sacraments / quality preaching / holistic / innovative

  3. Catalyst for Healing and Unity: compassion / servant leadership / empowerment / social justice

  4. Ministering to Students: whole-community missionary

Click here for the two-page report on our Town Hall Meeting.