Thanks for your support. As of May 6, Newman Hall-Holy Spirit Parish have contributed $25,328 to the Annual Paulist Appeal.

The Annual Paulist Appeal is the Paulists’ principal fundraiser. It supports vocations outreach, seminarian preparation, care for senior Paulists (like Fr. Ted Vierra, Fr. Dick Chilson, Fr. Bernie Campbell, Fr. Ken and Fr. Steve), the Paulist specialty projects (like our outreach to young adults (Busted Halo), our media ministries, and our Reconciliation Ministry), and much more.

Please keep the Paulist Fathers in your prayers and consider supporting us through our Annual Paulist Appeal.

You can give by picking up an envelope in the parish lobby and either mailing it to the Paulists or dropping it at Newman. You can also give online at this site. For the online question “How do you know the Paulist?”, please choose “Berkeley.”