Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
(2023 January 18-25)

We are now entering the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, from Wednesday, January 18 to Wednesday, January 25. During this week, Christians are asked to pray especially for unity among all Christians. It is a scandal to Jesus Christ, that we are divided. Jesus’ ministry was a source of unity, bringing people together as seen with the diversity of his original 12 disciples. We, as His disciples, are to continue that unity until the world is brought into Christ.

Since 1908, the leadership of the mainline Christian Churches have recognized this week and important to remind ourselves once again to be working for unity. We Catholics do not have an open table to share Eucharist with Christians of other denominations. This is to embarrass and shame us into always be working for unity so we can all share from the same table and together proclaim Christ to the world.

This year’s theme is “Do Good; Seek Justice.” This quote comes from Isaiah 1:17. Given a year of racial violence, especially with the killing of George Floyd by police officers that are supposed to represent goodness, peace, and justice in our world. Sin of racial injustice has infected our society. As people of the Way, we are united, regardless of denomination, to work for racial justice. We are called to be inspired by the prophet Isaiah, to together ‘do good; seek justice.”

Each day this week of prayer for Christian Unity, consider meditation on the following prayer guide.

Other Resources:

History of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Commentary on the Christian Unity Poster

Commentary on the Scriptural Text - Isaiah 1:18

Observing the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Paulist Mission in Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue