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We are so proud of you for your amazing accomplishment. And though we cannot be physically together to celebrate your academic and personal achievements, we are with you in spirt and through our prayers. We have high hopes for you in these most unusual of times, that this Class of 2020 will be one of the main catalysts to help society move to an even better direction than before, as you release your pent-up energy and creativity on the world. Don’t hold back or be frustrated. Each crisis has helped us to be better people - Civil War led to an end of slavery; Great Depression led to Social Security and other safety nets; WWII led to the GI Bill and the advancement of education across economic boundaries; Space Race led to the advancement of math, science, and technology. In response to COVID-19, we look forward to the great leap forward through the Class of 2020 and others.

Baccalaureate Mass
(Mon, May 18)

We celebrated a Mass for you, our annual Baccalaureate Mass. After the homily, we have video updates from many of the graduating students. Enjoy.

Bacc Mass - grads.JPG

Tributes to the Class of 2020

Class of 2020, we are sorry we were not able to have a Senior Banquet for you in order to celebrate and thank you for all you have done and the inspiration you have been for us. It would also be a time to roast you to instill good Christian humility. Vincent Escueta was able to gather several Newman students and FOCUS Missionaries to share their thoughts and words.  Click here for the extended version or click on the video to the right for the abbreviated version. Find out what word describes you and what ice cream would you be. Enjoy!!

We wish you God’s blessings as you start a new chapter in your life.

Congratulations to Fabiola Rossy!

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Congratulations to Fabiola Rossy who celebrated a Profession of Faith, Confirmation, and Eucharist this Friday, May 15 at our 12:10pm Mass.

Fabiola has been part of our RCIA process this past year. She was baptized in a Protestant church and has been fully initiated into the Catholic faith. She finished a Master’s in Law at Cal and will be returning home to Indonesia. She wanted to celebrate the sacraments here at Newman before returning home.  Thanks also to her sponsor, Mega Simarmata, and the RCIA Team. We wish Fabiola the best as she embarks on a new chapter in her life as a Catholic disciple of Jesus Christ.

Fabiola is the first of this year’s RCIA Elect to celebrate the sacraments. For the other RCIA Elect still in town, we hope to celebrate together with our community, when we allowed to safely have public Masses. And for those who have moved on, we will be writing letters to their new Catholic parish informing them that they are ready to be received into the Catholic Church.

Fabiola is the first of this year’s RCIA Elect to celebrate the sacraments. For the other RCIA Elect still in town, we hope to celebrate together with our community, when we allowed to safely have public Masses. And for those who have moved on, we will be writing letters to their new Catholic parish informing them that they are ready to be received into the Catholic Church.

MOMtage - Happy Mother's Day!!


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Here’s wishing all mothers much gratitude and many blessings.

On Sunday, May 10th, at our 10am Mass, we paid tribute to our mothers. Thank you all who submitted photos of your mothers and yourself. Tune to Sunday’s Mass to see our MOM-tage of our beloved mothers in the context of the Sunday Mass. We lift up all our mothers to God in thanksgiving and for God’s blessings.

You can also enjoy our MOMtage tribute to our mothers below:

Video in Honor of Mary of Nazareth

In honor of all mothers, check out this prayer video in honor of Mary of Nazareth.

If you want to know more about the Rosary, check out the Busted Halo video on the Rosary in just 2 minutes:

Voices of the Community (#1)

In this extraordinary time,
what motivates you to keep going?

2019-2020 Newman Parish Council

2019-2020 Newman Parish Council

When the days, weeks and now even months are a blur
one wonders about boundaries, schedules and order.
Why is this disorientation freeing? 

Or just amazing?



I think being with family and talking to friends and other love ones have helped me. Playing and spending time with my cats has also helped but also baking which is something I've been wanting to do for years has kept happy and positive about everything. 

Thank you for reaching out and I wish you the best. 




Both Lou and I have been LISTENING: 

listening to music - (usually classical); 

authors (Book Passage); 

immersing ourselves in quiet meditations (San Damiano); 

inspiring lectures. 

We miss our Newman community and wish all well.



I have a daily routine, the same as it's always been: - up at the same time - meals, prayer time, chores, PBS News, etc. are the same daily - with a tweak on Sunday for 10:00 Mass.  Two or three times a week I get take out from small local food places to help them stay afloat.  

What's different?  I call friends 3-4 times a week; more reading & cooking; a daily 45 minute walk; staying engaged with classes, Zoom meetings, virtual artistic events; and more intense prayer. And I am "noticing" so much more - stories of helping and generosity; the bursting of spring on the UC Berkeley campus, and the many people on our streets who have no opportunity to stay safe.  All remind me how very blessed I am.



We moved to Rossmoor just as the big shut in started. I injured my back unpacking. It’s been a slow recovery. Prayers would be appreciated. Hope you are all well.



In the morning and in the evening, I begin and end the day with the Memorare prayer to Mary for assistance in these troubling times. I am fortunate to have a garden full of roses. For mediation I am praying with St Therese, re-reading, Story of a Soul. I miss bringing Matthew's flowers to Newman's Madonna on Sunday morning and taking the Eucharist to Jim and Evangeline Brown after Mass. I do watch Newman's Sunday Mass - thank you Holy Spirit Parish, truly a Holy Place. Our feast day, Pentecost is coming soon. May our hearts be filled with Jesus' love, the Holy Spirit. Peace.



I’m finding that a way through the uncertainty is to journal each morning the question – what is needed/called for (from within) today?  It helps keep me IN today and not projecting into the future.  JEANNIE BATTAGIN

I've been managing pretty well throughout the whole shelter in place. Something that has been keeping me going has been reaching out to old friends I haven't spoken to in a while and reconnecting. It has been nice catching up with people I haven't seen in a long time. 

I am looking forward to when I can finally go back to Newman and see everyone again!



The Catholic Worker thrives in times of need - especially when the needs of our neighbor are the need for distancing to protect each other from this pandemic. To “love our neighbor” is something best done with concern, love and continuous response in spite of the requirements/restrictions of the state. We remain healthy in mind and Spirit as we see our neighbor as the extension of Christ’s love both given and received …



I just pray that this disruption and threatening of daily life bring about a perspective change, allowing us to more clearly see what is truly important.

Big hugs to everyone! Ciao



During this ‘re-calibration’ of the entire planet, I think what helps me most is greater opportunity for meditation and silence, out of which seems to come a heightened awareness that we – the entire planet – are all connected, are all One. Also simply noticing and delighting in the stunning natural beauty all around.

I am constantly challenged and inspired by seeing, experiencing, and hearing of the incredible kindness and selflessness of so many - in a huge variety of ways.



I have

* Done organizing and cleaning out drawers closets, etc., creating space in my life.

* Checked in on my 80 + year old neighbor who lives alone. 

Yesterday I brought her soup I made of butternut squash, onions, sweet potato, and pears. She said it energized her.

* Appreciated watching animals from my house and on walks. Pictures of goats, baby boy deer and turkey.

* Taken zoom music lessons on Brazilian instruments.

* Did my art, woodblock carving and printing.

* Appreciated the opportunity to practice giving up the illusion of control.

* Did more spiritual reading.

* Gardening



During the first couple of weeks of quarantine, I took walks in the hilly neighborhoods behind my place and photo-journaled such exquisite beauty in nature, landscaping, and architecture. Next, I ventured down to the beautiful neighborhood below the Claremont Hotel. Then I took a walk documenting the ghost-town-like Arts and Theater district of Berkeley. One day, I ventured through the UC Berkeley campus, delighted to have such solitude documenting the architecture. But lately, I’ve been sauntering through a redwing blackbird-singing trail most everyday to a point at Cesar Chavez park—sitting on my favorite bench, reading my books, and watching the brown pelicans diving for fish in front of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Blessings and Peace to All,



This pandemic is a time NOT to live in fear, but in HOPE and love & a commitment to serving others.  I'm checking in with my neighbors, asking if I can pick up anything for them.  There's so much that needs to be done.  Perhaps purchasing masks and giving them away as I am on the streets/busses. I'm trying to listen for direction for opportunities to be Christ in the world, as I read this week in a reflection.  



I had an operation on my right foot last year, and have been doing the foot exercises I learned during the only foot therapy appointment I went to before the ‘shelter-in-place’ went into effect. I find inspiration and healing in doing these therapy exercises for my foot and knees. 



All is good w/ me and I’m fortunate that no one in my extended family has been ill. It is good being here at Rossmoor where we are all very careful to follow the rules. Frequent walks, reading, baking a little, and safe visits with neighbors takes up my days. 

I miss the Sunday 10 am community and helping with Loaves and Fishes, but know that this is temporary and safety is important. Nothing inspirational from here, just taking it day by day, realizing my blessings and praying for ALL impacted by the virus ... I really think that is EVERYONE!  Stay safe and healthy!



I have personally loved all of the online prayer and Mass services from my parish and from many other places...there is always something to watch that is uplifting even if it's a recording of a Mass earlier in the day. I have found it helpful to pray together during this time of sheltering in place. 



Thank you for being concerned and thank everyone involved in making it possible to attend Mass remotely. We are both still here and so far have not fallen victims to the current virus pandemic.



I have been living in Tucson Arizona for the past five years and things have been going well. I am now a foster parent to a wonderful 15-year-old girl. She's been a wonderful addition to my life and my partner's. We certainly laugh a lot more. So family and being there for my partner and my kiddo are the things that are keeping me motivated. That and two days ago I just submitted my tenure dossier, an accumulation of all my academic work for the past five years. Singing with you and Newman are fond memories. Oh, I also sing in a community chorus, well, (until recently anyway).



Before the pandemic I was very busy with my work employed by 24 families doing for them whatever their needs may be. My days were long but I love my work. Although I always made time for daily Mass and prayer, I am MOST grateful for the time I have now to give God more of my time in prayer, to take long walks and to be there for others by email and phone calls. I am 75 this yr. and because of this pandemic I can better prepare myself for what lies ahead for myself and to pray for others as well.



The pandemic has affected me in more ways than I can count. I just graduated from UC Berkeley and got accepted into Stanford University for graduate school to study Education, but my graduation ceremony was cancelled along with the party to celebrate with my loved ones, graduate school is going to be online for me, at least for the first quarter, and I haven't seen my boyfriend for over a month to name a few of the burdens. – 

Yet, I recall the suffering of those who have lost their partner in life, their mother, or father, and those that don't know how they will pay their bills, and I think to myself I am pretty blessed. I allow myself to feel upset with my circumstances; I believe my emotions are valid, but I do my best to allow the joy of all that the Lord has given me to take the foremost place in my heart. Before the pandemic began, I had other situations weighing me down that are still present like the quarter of graduate school attendance costs left uncovered by financial aid, and now those struggles appear quite differently to me. I am taking advantage of this time during the quarantine we are all under to work hard at finding and applying for scholarships, creating a blog for those in the field of education and those that care about our education system, as well as taking time to be present with my family, a gift I haven't had so abundantly since I started my first year of college. 

Though there are days on which I still get overwhelmed, I rejoice in all the blessings I can be thankful for, and I do my best to keep charging forward for the sake of my future students, for my family, for my community, and because I know it is pleasing to the Lord. Prayer has not been as easy these days, but I turn to my friends that I know will challenge me to remain disciplined in my faith and to maintain my trust in the Lord. And no matter what life brings, I know the Lord is always by my side and loving me through it. 

My blog is centered around education. If you'd like to check it out, here is the link:



I’m OK and keep myself busy making cloth masks and isolation gowns for hospitals.

My children and grandchildren often come and have dinner with me, then we go for a walk in the neighborhood. And most importantly I watch livestream mass every Sunday, at 10:00am, and daily masses too. Many thanks to Fathers Ivan, Steve, Steven, Rob Grant, and the technical group.



Let us know if anyone needs errands run/grocery drop or fun chalk are left outside their houses by the kids. We’d love to help in any way we can. 

From Colleen: I have felt grateful for time with family: dinners together, cooking, reading and time outside. I never really appreciated spring as much before, and have enjoyed looking at the different brilliant colors...I finally understand the saying “stop and smell the roses”. We have been checking in with neighbors and family members remotely. The random small kindnesses of strangers has been really uplifting.

From Jenny: Getting to spend time with family. 

From Theodore (7): I am happy that we get to spend so much time with my family. Normally we only see each other for breakfast and dinner because we have to go to work and school. 

From Andrew (4): I like riding my bike and learning how to pop wheelies. I like walking on trails outside. 


 Compiled by Colleen Lenord