The observances of National Marriage Week (Feb. 7-14) and World Marriage Day (Sunday, Feb. 12) are an opportunity to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and the family. This year's theme, " flesh, given and received" highlights the one-flesh union of husband and wife that is willed by God. It also indicates the personal self-gift of each spouse, one to the other. These concepts point to Christ who gives Himself under the appearance of bread and wine—as real flesh and blood.

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As a Couple, consider:

  • Prayerfully reread your wedding vows to each other. Take a moment to recommit yourself to the vow you made on your wedding day.

  • Have a date night in - get dressed for dinner. Order takeout from a place you’ve gone to for Valentine’s day. Get the kids to be waiters and servers.

  • Frame a copy of your wedding invitation or program if you still have it.

  • Recall friends and family who were part of your wedding day. Who needs prayers? Who can you reach out to?

  • Pray a Lectio Divina together over your readings from your wedding.

As a Family, consider:

  • Look through your wedding album or watch your wedding video. Share stores form your wedding day with your children.

  • Make a family timeline beginning with when you met or your wedding day up to the present. Add anything that has impacted the life of the family (e.g., pregnancies, moves, vacations, new jobs, pets, etc.)

  • Get out your crafting supplies and make Valentine Cards for everyone in the family. Tell each person something you love about them. Hang up the cards for everyone to see..

As a Child, consider:

  • Making a valentine card for your parents. Call them on Valentine’s Day.

  • Offer to cook dinner (or order out) for your parents and give them a candlelight dinner.

  • Ask your parents how they met, dated, proposed, and knew to say yes. Ask what dreams they had, which ones have been fulfilled and how you can help them fulfill the unfulfilled dreams.

  • Pray a rosary for your parents, asking Mary and Joseph’s intercession.

  • Create a playlist of the tops songs of the year when they were married and have a family dance party.