Dante’s Divine Comedy Seminar
led by Richard Cushman

1-2:15pm, Sat - Lounge
February 11 - April 15

Richard Cushman, retired English professor and our long time organist, is offering a seminar on Dante’s Divine Comedy this Spring. This is a great chance to read and explore one of the greatest works in literature and medieval Christian thought, under the guidance of someone who loves Dante and has taught him for generations.

Meetings are on Saturdays 1-2:15pm. We will skip Holy Saturday (4/8) and the last meeting will be April 15.

Prof. Cushman recommends the following translations:  John and Jean Hollander (probably the best), Allen Mandelbaum, and John Ciardi. Other translations are probably OK (avoid old versions, e.g. Longfellow). For those who like to read online, consider the Princeton Dante Project which has the Hollander translation with other resources. If you are in financial need of book, a benefactor has come up with funds to help you buy books.