Please Welcome Fr. Ryan Casey, CSP


Our new associate to replace Fr. Steven will be Fr. Ryan Casey, CSP. He is coming from St. Paul the Apostle in Los Angeles. Ordained 4 years ago on May 19, 2018, Fr. Ryan grew up in Illinois and earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology. He worked in youth ministry and campus ministry before discerning a call to priesthood with the Paulist Fathers. He has a passion for movies and television. Expect to have some great movie nights at Newman.

Where is Fr. Steven Bell, CSP and Fr. Steve Bossi, CSP?

Fr. Steven is on a sabbatical, traveling around the US. He will eventually make his home base at our new seminary in Washington, DC where he will be continuing his Reconciliation Ministry. You can contact Fr. Steven via e-mail.

Fr. Steve has moved out Old St. Mary’s in San Francisco. Feel free to drop by Old St. Mary’s in SF to visit him. You can contact Fr. Steve via e-mail.

Dancing with the Divine: A Flow of Grace

CARLA DE SOLA, 2021 Spirit of Hecker Award Recipient

On Sunday July 31 after the 10am Mass, Carla De Sola and other contributors to “Dancing with the Divine” shared on the beauty of dance in our connecting with the divine. Carla has a lifetime of experience with dance. She won our 2021 Spirit of Hecker Award.

Carla’s latest book can be purchased at Sagrada Sacred Arts (4926 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA 94609). While you are there, say hello to Newman parishioner Carlo Busby.

2022 Bishop's Ministries Appeal

2022 Bishop's Ministries Appeal

Thank you Newman Hall-Holy Spirit Parish
for your support of our local diocese!

I am happy to announce as of April 30, fifty-two parishioners have donated to the 2022 Bishop’s Ministries Appeal. They have contributed $27,658 in actual and pledge amounts to the appeal. We are 70.02% of our appeal goal of $39,500. And with the $20,000 matching fund from an anonymous donor, we will reach our Appeal goal’s for the 2nd year!

It is good to know we are supporting our diocese in their good works, such as providing quality Catholic education especially for families in need, supporting our parishes with resources like HR, liturgical, and financial advice, caring for retired priests, training seminarians, providing updating workshops for priests. One particularly valuable project is the Racial Justice Task Force they set up, which our own Fr. Steven Bell, SJ has been instrumental in making a reality.

Checks can still be made out to Bishop’s Ministries Appeal (and not to Newman Hall). Do put “Newman Hall” in the Notes field so we get credited. Once we reach our goal, the excess funds gets returned back to the parish.

2022 Paulist Appeal

Thanks for your support. As of May 6, Newman Hall-Holy Spirit Parish have contributed $25,328 to the Annual Paulist Appeal.

The Annual Paulist Appeal is the Paulists’ principal fundraiser. It supports vocations outreach, seminarian preparation, care for senior Paulists (like Fr. Ted Vierra, Fr. Dick Chilson, Fr. Bernie Campbell, Fr. Ken and Fr. Steve), the Paulist specialty projects (like our outreach to young adults (Busted Halo), our media ministries, and our Reconciliation Ministry), and much more.

Please keep the Paulist Fathers in your prayers and consider supporting us through our Annual Paulist Appeal.

You can give by picking up an envelope in the parish lobby and either mailing it to the Paulists or dropping it at Newman. You can also give online at this site. For the online question “How do you know the Paulist?”, please choose “Berkeley.”

Paulist Capital Campaign - Thank You

Thanks to 265 households who participated!
We have reached 86% of our goal, raising $648,305 for the Paulist Fathers!

The end of April marked the culmination of the public phase of Hope for the Future, a Comprehensive Campaign for the Paulist Fathers. Thanks to the generosity of over 2,700 donors – spanning 40 states (and counting), the District of Columbia and four countries – the campaign has raised $30.2 million in pledges and gifts! To date, over $18 million has already been collected in gifts and pledge payments.

Here at Newman Hall-Holy Spirit Parish, 265 households contributed $648,305 for the campaign! Whether you supported the campaign financially, through prayer, or both – THANK YOU! And a special thank you to those who served on our local campaign committee, serving as ambassadors for us Paulists!

This historic effort has funded construction of the Paulist House of Mission and Studies, our new, right-sized seminary in Washington D.C. This building – slated to open in late summer with an official ribbon-cutting ceremony in the fall – will also house several Paulist ministries.

The campaign has helped shore up support for senior Paulists, providing them with a comfortable retirement. Additionally, we’re able to address deferred maintenance at Paulist-owned buildings across the country, especially at our Motherhouse in New York City. Lastly, many outreach ministries like the Paulist Press, Busted Halo and St. Patrick’s American Catholic Church in Rome will be bolstered.

 This campaign has truly given us Paulists Hope for the Future!

To view a “thank you” video from Paulist President Fr. Eric Andrews, please visit

Offering of Prayer for Peace

In light of the recent uptick in violent acts of hatred that are plaguing our world, including the recent mass shooting in Buffalo and the continued spiking violence in our own Bay Area, we will be making an Offering of Prayer for Peace after each daily Mass for the remainder of the month of May. Please join us in this daily prayer and discern how you might bring the light of peace into a dark space of violence and discord near you.

We Pray for Peace the World with St. John XXIII’s Prayer for Peace: Lord Jesus Christ, who are called the Prince of Peace, who are Yourself our peace and reconciliation, who so often said, “Peace to you,” grant us peace. Make all men and women witnesses of truth, justice, and sacrificial love. Banish from all hearts whatever might endanger peace. Enlighten our leaders that they may guarantee and defend the great gift of peace. May all peoples on the earth be seen as brothers and sisters. May longed-for peace blossom forth and reign always over us all. Amen.

We Pray for Our Works of Peace with The Prayer of Saint Francis:  Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace; Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is error, truth; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; To be understood, as to understand; To be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

We Beseech Our Blessed Mother’s Help With 3 Hail Mary Prayers: Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.